There was a woman who lived a happy life, not only was she rich, but her husband loved her too. One day, she met a young man who was sweet and sweet, and the woman could not resist the temptation. Later the young man said to her, "furtive freedom, we simply leave here, go to other places to build our home." The woman made sense to her. So she took advantage of all the most valuable possessions of the family and went to the pier to find the young man while her husband was away. The young man said, "give me the things first, and then I will come back to the other side to
ing you, so that it will be safer, or the consequences will be terrible." The woman also thinks that it makes sense to leave all the treasure to him and stay where he is. Unexpectedly, one day, two days, three days passed, and the young man did not go back. She was hungry and cold, but she dared not go home. Suddenly, she saw a Wolf dog running over her in front of her. The bird was still struggling. The dog ran to the water and saw a fish in the water. He let go of the bird and went to bite the fish. The fish swam away and the bird flew away. The woman saw it and couldnt help laughing. She said, "this dog is so silly. He has already got a bird. He has given up the bird to bite the fish. It turns out that both birds and fish are not getting it. The dog looked back and said, "my fool, but let me be hungry; Your foolish, but delay your life!" At this time this stupid female talent is in a dream, regretfully said: "I am for that kind of person, abandon love my husband and family, ruined my whole life happiness, this is greed harm!" The story tells us that if you always do what you want, you will end up harming yourself. We may encounter some exciting things in our daily life, but we should resist temptation with perseverance as soon as possible, otherwise we will be tortured by endless troubles.