
A letter to Amy给艾米的一封信


A letter to Amy_

Dear Army:

How are you?I`m happy to tell you something about my lifestyle.

I get up at six.At six twenty.I have

eakfast.I usually have an egg.a piece of

ead and a glass of milk.This helps me start the day well.Next ,I run for twenty minutes.

I have lunch at eleven forty.I always have a bowl of rice. meat and vegetables. This meal gives me energy for the whole afternoon.

I have dinner at eleven.I often have a bowl of noodles, fish and an apple.Apples are good for us. There is a saying, An apple a day keeps the doctor away."So I always have an apple between meals.

After dinner .I do my homework ,and then. I go to bed at nine ,I sleep for nine hours every day .

Do you think my lifestyle is healthy? what about yours ? write to me soon.

