


Month, waxing, rain or shine and tragedies will descend. If do not have a furore at millennium or so, my family might be another story.

At that time, the father is plant organ accounting computerization as a clerk. The late 1990 s, the reform of state-owned enterprises are in a crucial stage. Countries with a call, millions of employees are laid off, the posterity. At a time when enterprises and institutions of authority is like an oil spilt into, water droplets into the iron cage. Let be battered by a storm outside, the inside of the people still walk. "A cup of tea, a cigarette, a newspaper to see half a day", this proverb to explain, with each agency unit in China is not alone.

After several years of last century it was the time when the coal market is the most weak. The existence of unlicensed small mines, each other the prevalence of depriving the state-owned large and medium-sized coal mine cost advantages, in the fierce market competition. Once, my fathers salary can only extend by 70%. I was also going to boarding junior middle school, is a not small cost for home.

In this case, the mother said to her father: "Ive heard that you unit workshop leadership positions at the grass-roots level treatment is good, why dont you give you led for a workshop with job? Always so laze around in the organ is not matter!"

Father agree with mother, then wrote the above application. After half a month, a paper named down, father was appointed as a workshop director.

Just arrived, his father to work conscientiously. He is the famous factory, original love clean "a little green vegetables," then he often dressed in overalls and a thick rubber shoes to travel between several plants, make of the whole body is sweat, and oil. He ate and drank with the worker to work, sometimes the machine is oken, need to repair, stared at the father is in the first line, from time to time ask chefs around the relevant technical problems. Really too tired, he lay in the workshop workshop on a bench in the lounge for a little while.


Everything comes to him who waits, before long, the father found a good idea can increase the welfare for employees.

After purification of raw coal often leave some slime, past the slime is often cited as a waste of wilderness, sun, greatly polluted the environment. The slurry can be used as the raw material honeycomb iquet. Under the condition of the coal industry was booming, if sell slime produced every day to the honeycomb iquet factory, in exchange for money subsidies everyones home, is it not a win-win thing?

To start, my father on the one hand, actively to contact manufacturers to negotiate, on the other hand, lead to report the matter to the factory. Soon the manufacturer and a qualified honeycomb iquet production company reached an agreement.

But I dont know what time, my father found that the original piled up coal slime, often puzzling to reduce in the middle of the night. "No domesticthief led to a ghost," father, after a long time for investigations, so he found a middle-level cadres of workshop secretly smuggle coal to another without qualification honeycomb iquet production workshop.

So, my father start looking for the "middle" in private conversations, he confesses a thing of the past can let bygones be bygones, but such a thing will not happen again in the future. The "middle" in front of the father to be passive and repeatedly said, but still secretly stay away doing shady business deals.

Father finally unbearable, capture problem on another middle smuggled slime, unbearable, on iefing singled out the "middle"...

One day after half a month, father suddenly on the busy work. The first day he stands say that they have to work overtime, the second day he said at the end of this year, with tight production tasks; On the third day, he still say they have to work overtime. This finally made the mother suspicious, so to find father father unit.

Father did not in the unit, he lay in a hospital bed, a piece of uises on her face, her arm wrapped in gypsum, legs still have blood.

Obviously, his father was beaten by people. He is on duty that day, after dinner on the way back to the unit, the side of the road suddenly rushed out of a dozen uiser, his father on the head. A disorderly beats... . So, father in unconscious lying on the side of the road for so long, I was kind of passers-by to the hospital.

Mother looked at the beds father, just cry. Said the public security organs, there is no real evidence to prove that his father who was playing. Factory several leadership with a belly, have come to see father, to express our deep sympathy for the sufferings of his, and then turn (audience: "this thing happens outside the factory, not inductrial injury. You also know that factory is currently in difficult times, for humanitarian reasons, of course, only for you a small amount of medical bills. What you have is a whole, also is one of the older workers of the factory, and organization for you want, you also want to give organizations think about what..."

Bed, the mother sobbing; On hospital bed, the father a sigh.


Early in 2000 is the year of dragon, the relevant state departments began a comprehensive reorganization of small mines. The situation of the coal market improved. But it is precisely in the coal market just "dragon head" in May, his father has been down. The official democratic appraisal is the cause of the cadres is unqualified. And his father need, not others, is the "middle" being criticized by his father.

Ill never forget that night with thunder and lightning, his father received a phone call, know that he was demoted. His hand shaking, telephone handset mercilessly fell on the ground, a ringing sound.

In the night sky, a flash of lightning struck, followed by a loud thunder, rain like suppressed for a long time, suddenly pouring down...

The morning after the rain, I accompany father to go for a walk in the square, "little" to persuade my father: "down came down, out of officer, out of danger!"

I still remember my fathers eyes that morning, that is a kind of what kind of helpless! Inclusion in the melancholy of hesitation, stray loss.

A few degrees wind and rain, a few degrees during the spring and autumn, weathered snow rain beat rapids. But person to middle-aged unexpectedly like this truth. The land of the air after the rain soak the feet, muddy lawn leave father deeply shallow messy footprints.

Always gentle mother also finally unbearable, "Sue him! I dont believe, so big China, there is no place to argue!"

Father doesnt speak, just a and a smoking a cigarette.

After the storm, the restoration of a quiet life. Time, perhaps time is the best antidote to treatment for all wounds. However, some pain, although everyone dont want to touch, condensation in the deep, once touched, became scars that never let go.

Finally, after days of peace, the Dragon Boat Festival evening, mother and father because trivial things get red in the face. Such a special period, the same when the two sides finally put the condom thing on the table when father finally unbearable, door.

It grew dark, the clock tick, the empty room, my mother and me in silence, in silence...

Half past nine, ten, eleven o clock.

Mother began to worry, went downstairs to find his father. In the distance a drunk cry, sad sadness, is the father. Made with my mother and I to the father home, he got a great injustice like a child, mixed ground to say: "you always say let me to tell him, to tell him, I have to ability to win him! His father is the director of..."

The Dragon Boat Festival is the most Ive a Dragon Boat Festival, with no dumplings, no eggs, only a feather to family matters.


Father said that "he", is one of his old leadership.

Time back to the mid 1980 s, when father high-spirited, first came to this one is still in preparation stage, only six of coal preparation plant. His father was well written, so there will be left the secretary of the factories and mines as a leader. This is done, for eight years.

After the storm, father swallowed down, at the workers jobs continue to work hard.

Until seven years later, things again there has been a dramatic change.

In 2007, the leadership of chief father died. Wall, pour all gone, the leader finally because of economic problems in jail.

A lot of problems emerged naturally. That year, letting the "middle" buy, his fierce beating, modify the democratic appraisal result, officer, "my father is he. He, as we all know the identity of the factory is an important leadership; And the identity of the unknown, is the problem of honeycomb iquet workshop shareholders and investors.

Prison, the old leaders to meet his father. Father should readily. Old leadership feels the fathers hand, bother to apologize, said he was a cynical. In a word, and long to put those on TV "corrupt officials confessions".

Father looked at him, eyes dull, dignified silence...

A few years later, I once asked his father: "do you hate him?"

The father said: "once hate, but dont hate now. His daughter was studying in the UK, the cost is very high, with his income level, is absolutely cant afford. Ah, he is also for the children!"

All say poor people there will be the place of hateful, but hate the person? Sometimes really has poor?


In response to the requirements of national cadres younger, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the factory, workshop of cadres above 45 years old "one-size-fits-all." After so many years of turmoil, father long past the age, to office was not possible.

Factory to a new leader, heard that his father, determined to father a easy job, is arranged in the organ by his father refused politely: "now, are quick-witted just rich, these jobs for young people to do!"

I surprisedly asked his father: "into the organs work more at leisure ah! No official business, read newspaper, drink a cup of tea water. It is your old job, good!"

Father drew one mouthful smoke, silent for a long time, as if in mumbling to say: "young people quit in color, middle-aged people in it, the elderly in it."

Its my turn to silence it.

Todays father still busy on the ordinary post. Originally most colleagues who work in the organs were developed. Occasionally in eat together, father is becoming more and more in words. Gradually, his father had to "go with ear," gradually became edge of banquets. Therefore, between they and their father.

His father in the circle of friends a lot more simple worker. Father always talking and laughing with them. Sometimes, I also tired father perspiration stains on the greasy overalls. Whenever I blame him, his father always laugh at myself a way: "ah, in the clean small green vegetables, now become a" rotten cabbage."

Just, in polarization, under the condition of social class increasingly consolidated, fathers salary is still difficult. Original father works in the office, and my mother in business school, his fathers salary is higher than mother. Whenever they blush, father is compatible with his high horse. Today, the mothers school ranks, city bureau of education directly under the jurisdiction of salary nature has improved dramatically, while fathers wage growth is slow. "Economic base determines the superstructure", so the family finances to fall firmly in the hands of the mother nature. But the father seems to be "not ashamed, to honour", he often said: "the money to your mother, I rest assured!"

His words is true, who knows!


Called home a few days ago, my mother told me that: "your dad to socialize a lot recently..."

So, I talk to my father, and charged him away from home, drinking less alcohol, eat more food.

Dad very helplessly like me "complain" : "cant, people like us so big age, children are not married, is the parents passed away, weddings, funerals and much more special. Each month your dad I popularity and well..."

I do not know how, when he said these, the heart was hurting for a part in a flash.

My thoughts do not curb the spread of. I seem to see the sitting under the kerosene lamp, holding a little red book reading hard boy, that even young father. Nanjing xiaguan district learning activist "quotations from chairman MAO" is his best reward; That taught me to write to having substance in speech, remember words, carefully help me to modify the composition form, that is the father of middle age; The sound of red songs is passion, summer night every night will come to the palace of the high red figure, this is now the father.

Someone said, father is a mountain. I often think, my father like? He wasnt up to the invasion of the mountain, no tall and straight poplar. I think my father is like a bottomless sea, like the TV series "lurk" song to sing: "dream of the light in the dark, in the heart cover; endure loneliness in weak, only for a belief. My tears is a bottomless sea, my love for you has been replenished. Believe in the power of endless, that is loyal to..."

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