
Does Foreign Education Help You Win外国教育能帮你赢吗


Does Foreign Education Help You Win?

Nowadays, more and more parents like to send their children study aoad. It is believed that the companies are trend to hire the employees with foreign education. It seems that studying aoad can help you a winner. While the fact is not.


As more young people study aoad, the standard of the foreign degree has been adjusted. Many students just find some fun to play and don’t focus on their study, so when they graduate, they learn nothing. But the universities that have been in the first class are always accepted by the companies, for it means the students must be excellent, or they can’t get the degree.


There is no doubt that the one with foreign education is trend to be given more chances. But they still need to come the to final round in the job interview. The employers will ask them the questions and test their ability. It is nothing to do with the education.


Anne Hathaway

When I was in primary school, my English teacher showed us a movie in the class. The story told about an ordinary girl turned out to be a princess and she had to learn how to be a princess. It was such a funny film, we laughed happily. I was so impressed by the actress Anne Hathaway, she was not only beautiful, but she was also played so well. Since then, I watch many of her films. Hathaway proves herself, she tells people that she is a good actress. People are easily attracted by her perfect outlook and ignore her hard-working at the beginning, but now they have seen her ability. The movies that Hathaway plays are the hot movies, she is becoming more and more popular. Every time when I see her new movie, I will be very excited and she never lets her fans down.
