
My Uncle Jules我的叔叔于勒


This is a very good novel. After reading it, it will also give a great aftertaste. The hero of this novel is Mr. and Mrs. Philip, but it is based on my uncle Yu Ling, mainly because Yule is the clue of the novel, and the portrayal of Philip and Mrs.

In the novel, the story of Uncle Yu Le is mainly told. A letter from America changed Philips view of Yule. When Yule squandered his deserved legacy and destroyed a large portion of the property of Philips other, he was a black sheep, a scoundrel, a bastard, a useless waste. When Yule sent a letter from the Americas, and called the money to make up for the loss to his father Philip in the future, he suddenly became a decent, conscientious, honest man. "When we are back, our family will be greatly improved. This family, in the end, a man! " The mother, Clarice, said that every time his father saw a great ship coming in the ocean, he would always say, "Hey, if he is on the boat, thats a surprise!" In this way, Yule changed from "the evil star of the family" to "the only hope of the family". Later, when they found ragged, old, dirty and wrinkled old sailors on the ship, he became a liar and a rascal in their eyes. Even because he was my uncle Yule, I gave him ten SSU tips and was scolded by his mother: "youre crazy, give that ten Su to that guy, and give that scoundrel!"

After reading the full text, we can clearly feel that Philip and his husband have different attitudes towards Yule. What is the "magic" that causes such a big change in attitude? Money! They used money and interests to weigh the relationship and quality between Yule and them. The huge fall of "misfortune", "honest man", "honest man" and "scoundrel", can see their superficiality and vulgarity, and Philips attitude to le is constantly changing with the wealth of Le. The only thing that does not change is their selfish and greedy nature, and it is said, "the young man finally decided to propose to the second sister, because one night we showed him the letter from Uncle le." It also reveals the selfishness and hypocrisy of the petty bourgeoisie under the control of money power in capitalist society at that time, and used money to measure the relationship between people.

This story gives me a deep feeling that Mr. and Mrs. Philip are really snobbish. At first, when he was very poor, he scolded his rogue, a hooligan, and became a good man after Yule was rich. When he was on the boat, he saw a poor egg, a beggar, and far away.

This novel reveals the concept of money supremacy of Duff Ron J and his wife. When the couple heard that he had made a fortune, his performance contrasted sharply with his behavior when he saw him down. It reflected the fickle and indifference of human nature. This novel is like telling a homely story, describing ordinary and real life, so that readers can feel the same. But between the lines, the irony of humanity is indifferent, and it is deeply sympathetic to the warm Yule.