
Easter Island复活节岛


Easter island is a small island in Chile. Its far from anywhere. Its very small, just 163 square kilometers, about 6,000 people live here.

There are 887 stone statues on the island, most of them near the sea. These statues have big heads and small bodies. Their noses are very big and their ears are very long. A statue is about 4 to 10 metres tall and weighs about 90 tonnes, about as much as an 18-year-old elephant. The bodies of some statues are buried in the ground, and now we can only see their heads.

A small number of statues wear red stone hats, which weigh about 3 tons. They must be the heaviest hats in the world!

We can imagine, about 1700 years ago, people came to this beautiful island and for some reason made these huge stone statues. How did they do that? No one knows.