


"Sha Po Lang represents the return of Hong Kong kongfu movie's golden age。it maintains and expends the Hong Kong movie's' best character。"-This- is the comment of The Toronto Film Exhibition on Sha Po Lang。 Maybe we also could classify it as the return of classical Hong Kong movie rather only the return of Hong Kong kongfu movie。production of movies in the end of 1990s, many bad quality movies were made and hurt the feelings of audience, so the movie market slide into the decay。In order to increase the interest of movie, the Hong Kong movie makers went to the way of Holl ywood, but they failed。 What's more, they have abandoned the classical elements of Hong Kong Movie。

In the design of kongfu, because of the attendance of three masters-Zhen Zidan, Hong Jinbao, and Wu Jin, the scenes are pleasing to both the eye and the mind. The movie inosculates the Jujutu and wrestle, at the same time the element of wushu is added to。We could say that it is feast in vision.。There are three important tussle scenes。

The discussion about social problems the concern on the brotherliness, the stirring movie style, maybe we could say that the classical Hong Kong movie has returned。 The high profit of the movie also tells us that the excellent classical Hong Kong movie still has market。