


神创论可以休矣作文,初中神创论作文(英文版) How people come from? In almost all religions, people are created by God, what is "Nu Wa made man," "Adam and Eve" ... ... really God created human beings? Definitely not.     Only the people of ancient myth of natural reality and social life of a naive longing for the good, but not a fact, the myth "creationism" as the fact that nothing revealed the "creationism" ignorance.     According to archaeologists to research, the earliest human ancestors dating back to the million years ago Australopithecus Qibaiwannian later due to environmental and climate impact on the evolving human lineal ancestor - "Millennium ancestor," he yes Liubaiwannian ago before a standing person or related species, physical similarities with the orangutan, but not walking the limbs, but it may know how to climb trees. Later, due to the different times, the needs of a variety of things, people have continued to evolve to a million years BC 四百二十万年 era, there has been the earliest stages of hominid - Australopithecus, but their
ain capacity very small, and later, with the emergence of Homo erectus, the gradual thinning of the human skull,
ain volume increased gradually. Until BC Erbaiwannian to BC Ershiwannian ago, that we have emerged a clear division of upper and lower limbs, would create tools, use of fire would be Homo erectus, Homo erectus appeared to lay the foundation for the formation of human beings, about BC 200 thousand to ten thousand years ago, finally appeared would create the original art of Homo sapiens.     A step by step of human development, and a little bit of evolution, not like "God created man," as simple as that people evolved from apes, this is a hard fact. Therefore, "creationism" should cease.